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Magdiyacoub 11

Knowledge hub

The Institute actively disseminates the knowledge gained through its research activities, and promotes the exchange of knowledge by the research community in a number of ways.

  • Submission of original scientific papers, reviews and editorials to peer reviewed medical and scientific journals.
  • Publication of the journal "Global Cardiology Science & Practice" which publishes research and review articles from invited leaders and opinion makers in the field of cardiovascular research and medicine.
  • Arranging scientific conferences to give scientists and medics the opportunity to present their work, to listen to and interact with senior figures from the scientific community.
  • Holding regular hands-on workshops, focusing on practical techniques in cardiology and cardiac surgery.

The Institute's journal, "Global Cardiology Science and Practice" (ISSN: 23057823) is a fully open access academic journal, founded by the Magdi Yacoub Institute in 2011, and published exclusively by the Institute since 2016.

The journal aims to connect cardiologists around the world with advances in basic science and how this translates into clinical practice. It has a particular focus on research and practice in countries which are not well covered by traditional journals.

Global Cardiology Science and Practice

The journal is indexed in PubMed Central and PubMed - and all publishing costs are covered by the Magdi Yacoub Institute, meaning there are no publishing charges for the authors (aka ‘diamond’ open access). A measure of the journal's success is that its 443 articles have been cited 4,326 times in other journals, and have been cited in 67 patents. The most cited article has been cited 675 times (all data from, March 2024). Mirroring its global scope, the journal and its research has been accessed - for free - from 154 countries.

Potential authors can submit their work for consideration by the editorial board through the online portal at the journal website.